
Our GIS soccer and rugby camps are available in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. Our camps have gained industry recognition and thanks to our partnerships with pro soccer & rugby clubs, ensure that an experienced professional coach is available to oversee the camps.

Find out more about the amazing and unique experience for those that attend our sports camps, and see why these programs have helped us to gain a solid and enviable reputation over the years.

The majority of GIS camps will be listed and available for registrations in the next few weeks.

To view the current list of available camps PLEASE CLICK HERE.


National Camp FAQs (GA, AZ)

National Camp Example Schedule

See Our Camps In Action

Event Testimonials

  • The attention to detail was outstanding, almost every touch the players get feedback, in addition you get things like video analysis before and after the games. We just don’t go into that kind of detail back home, so it’s been great for the players.

    John Lopes - Parent of Elite Development Player

    Designed & Built by Perfect Circle